Lourdes Grottos of North America

Thousands of Lourdes grotto replicas, inspired by the 1858 appearances of the Virgin Mary to a peasant girl in a cave in Lourdes, France, have been created in every state and province in North America, as well as on every continent worldwide. They were, and still are, built at Catholic churches, schools, colleges & seminaries, monasteries & convents, hospitals, cemeteries, retirement homes & orphanages, and retreat centers.
The earliest Grottos of Our Lady of Lourdes were built in the 1870s. Their construction peaked in the 1930s and through the 1950s, and declined thereafter–although they may be enjoying a resurgence today, due to the natural beauty of their usual outdoor sites, which are often adorned by gardens.
The most well-known Lourdes grotto in the US is without doubt the one on the Notre Dame University campus in Indiana; other grottos have enjoyed regional renown, drawing thousands of pilgrims for annual events. But most grottos quietly exist as peaceful, “secluded spots” for prayer and devotion. Their lovely, reverent atmosphere often allows them to survive and be maintained even after the institutions they were built for are gone.
This website documents their beauty, their meaning, and their ubiquity in postcards and photos, from the earliest Lourdes grottos of the 19th century, to the modern ones being built today.
What are Lourdes grottos?
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Interactive Lourdes Grotto Map of the US
In newspapers, postcards, and online searches I have found more than 1,500 Grottos of Our Lady of Lourdes in the US, both existing grottos and historical ones that no longer exist. Hover over each state to see how many I have found so far there (darker colors indicate more grottos per state). Click on the state for a page listing the grottos in that state (this is still a work in progress).